
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

New rules for Expats in Tenerife

By Bianca Vercellone OJO NUNCA DEJAR MÁS DEL 30% DEL ORIGINAL, ES DECIR, ELIMINAR, CAMBIAR O SUSTITUIR EL MÁXIMO DE COSAS. The European Union and the United Kingdom government announced on 24th December 2020 that a Trade Deal has finally been agreed between the UK and EU. Spanish government has now confirmed its rules and procedures for UK nationals wishing to apply for residency rights in Spain. We will explain the main effects of the deal that apply to UK nationals in the relevant sections below.   Unfortunately the situation for UK Nationals wishing to apply for residencia in Tenerife (Spain) is largely in limbo. Those who can prove they were living here prior to 31st December 2020 but who were unable to get their application in before the deadline, will still be accepted under the old rules, but anyone filing at this late stage already runs the risk of being challenged as to why they have left it so late.